vogue featured fashion designer, former prince's trust supported ENTREPRENEUR, yoga + MEDITATION teacher & creative mindset coach


You're my people, so I know you'll know what I mean when I talk about a passion that burns so bright it boarders on obsession...

That was me + fashion design growing up: Pages torn from ID magazine covering my bedroom wall from top to bottom, wearing clothes I'd made myself to sneak into London fashion week shows at the age of 17 (yep, you could blag that back then!), design doodles on every scrap piece of paper in the house - that dream of being 'the next Alexander McQueen' was MINE, I had zero doubt.

But, the reality of chasing that big bold vision wasn't as glamorous as I thought it would be. 

I felt crippled with anxiety, I lost all joy for the thing I love the most and I was painfully self-critical, nothing I made was ever good enough.

Life took a wild left turn in 2012, when I stumbled onto a yoga teacher training in India - having barely taken a class before btw! - and it changed absolutely everything. 

Over the years that followed, through weaving yoga, mindfulness and the philosophies they come with into my own creative process, I discovered that the blueprint to creative success (and sanity, let's be real!) lies within those ancient teachings... with a delicate sprinkling of manifestation, modern psychology and soulful strategy in there too, of course.

In 2018, supported by none other than The Princes Trust (which is the then Prince, now King, Charles's charity), I finally launched my fashion business on a wing and a prayer... with zero clue what I was really doing but a big bold vision of the impact I wanted to create.

Within 2 short years my business ticked most of the shiny achievement boxes little Ellie dreamt of:  glossy magazine features, worldwide customers, invitations to show at fashion weeks (actual invitations this time!) and big award nominations... but, when the pandemic hit, I was faced with a huge and heartbreaking decision: 

Do I keep pushing forwards? ...or do take yet another left turn and go for something bigger?

It was the hardest decision I've ever made, but I knew in my bones that I was here for a greater impact: to use my dance with my own creative mind to help you master yours.

Because achieving my dreams is one thing but guiding hundreds of other creatives to do the same: faster, smoother and even better than I did ...now THAT sets my soul on fire more than clothes ever have!

To make living itself an art, that's the goal.

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Receive free access to 'AUTHENTICALLY IN-DEMAND', a 3-day challenge to learn my signature tools to master your mindset, share your work with conviction and sell it with soul.