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I have two pieces of advice to any aspiring artist or entrepreneur, who's bravely doing the hard things alone: 

 The first is to work twice as hard on yourself than you ever will on your craft: because your mindset is always your mirror. And that doesn't mean more hustle. That means nurturing your nervous system and mindset is the most important thing on your to-do list.

And second: finding the right coach and mentor to guide you along the way will be the best investment you'll ever make. They'll fast track your success and give you more clarity than trying to struggle alone.

There's a million mentors in the world, I encourage you to find on that resonates with you. And if that happens to be me, awesome! Together we will dive deep into what's really holding you back from creating, sharing and selling your best work. 

 uncover your  BLIND SPOTS , TRANSCEND self-sabotaging patterns and step towards your next level of success 


Imagine if you could...




feel empowered and in control over your future

feel confident and comfortable selling yourself or your work.

Create a life that abundantly supports your craft

this is for you if:

this is not for you if:

Your an ambitious artist, designer or creative entrepreneur/solopreneur.

You're seeking clarity on how to bring your dreams to life, and you desire to uncover your blind-spots blocking your next level of success.

You're ok with your life as it is and you don't really want to change.

You're unwilling to be vulnerable enough to unpack your limiting beliefs/habits (this isn't therapy so you don't have to bare your soul to me if you don't want to, but you do have to be honest and dive deep to get the most out of the experience)

You're a seasoned self-deveopment junkie or new to the journey, familiar or fully willing to put the work in to dive deep and take big leaps towards your goals.

what's included

You can choose from a package of 6 x 60min sessions (taken anytime over the course of 12 weeks) OR 1 x one off session. - held virtually, over zoom.

Access to me via Voxer for quick-fire advice, guidance or to answer any questions.

Anytime during your 12-week package or for one week after a one-off session.

The 12-week option includes 12-weeks access to VISIONARY: my signature programme, a bank of mindset, embodiment and strategy tools as well as weekly group coaching calls with like minded creatives.

Working with Ellie has been so empowering. I have felt a really big shift in my life which feels sustainable and really good. The space Ellie holds is strong and gentle, and allowed me to feel safe enough to explore all my feelings and desires and helped me crystallise what it is I really want. 



I highly recommend Ellie, she has been incredibly encouraging, supportive and helped to guide me ever forward with more positivity and to structure a realistic & balanced plan towards my goals and aspirations. She's a calming, inspiring and soulful guide and the perfect coach to help you transform your life one step at a time!



 I've cultivated a level of  conviction behind my work that I never believed possible. I feel more decisive and clear on how to create the life I want and I feel safe in sharing vulnerably through my work, which means I'm making much more authentic work as a result and am attracting new buyers  everyday! 



This sounds perfect for me, I'm in!


Have questions?

I'm a creative and I know I want a business, but I don't know what yet, is this for me? 

I'm a creative and I know I want a business, but I don't know what yet, is this for me?

Yes! If you have a burning desire to take life into your own hands and create something of your own, I have all the tools to help you decide what that'll be and guide you towards making it a massive success.  

I'm not looking to make a business, I just want to create really great work, will this help me? 

I'm not looking to make a business, I just want to create really great work, will this help me? 

Yes! If you're an artist, musician, designer, writer (or other creative) who just wants to put their best work out into the world but perhaps you're struggling with clarity or self-belief, then absolutely yes! 

Do you have payment plans? 

Do you have payment plans?

Yes. You can pay 3-monthly payments over the course of the 12 weeks if you choose that option. 

Or in 2-payments leading up to a one-off session (full cost must be paid before the session takes place however) 

What's the difference between coaching and mentorship?

What's the difference between coaching and mentorship?

Put simply: a coach doesn’t offer direct advice, they guide you to arrive at an answer yourself; while a mentor offers advice based upon their experience.

This offer is for coaching, unless you specifically desire my mentorship.

the investment

12 weeks (6x1hr sessions)


*payment plan available


1 x 60min session



*payment plan available


VISIONARY is my signature programme and, in my opinion, everything an artist or creative entrepreneur needs to nurture their mindset, create and market their best work, and  generate impact and freedom through their craft.

learn more